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Jackie Mason was One of the Few Survivors of a Culture that Shaped Us All

By Dennis E. Powell | Jul 28, 2021 at 11:28 AM

It was sad to hear over the weekend that Jackie Mason has died. He was 93, so it can’t be said that he didn’t have a full life, and we can all use the reminder that our worldly existence does end, inevitably, for all of us. But he made people smile and laugh, for good reasons, and we can never have too much of that.

A Small Ohio Battle Illustrates the Richness of Local History

By Dennis E. Powell | Jul 15, 2021 at 9:31 AM

If you look in some of the history books, you’ll learn that the only significant battle in Ohio in the Civil War was fought at Buffington Island in Meigs County.

Maybe Some Home-Made Ice Cream Would Lure It Back

By Dennis E. Powell | Jul 07, 2021 at 11:19 AM

Well, that would certainly explain the sudden scarcity of medium-sized rodents around here.

Before we get too far along, let me confess an act — an in-act, actually (inactually?) — of idiocy. Normally I’m within arm’s reach of a camera. That has allowed me to capture many fleeting moments I would have missed otherwise. But this time I didn’t make a picture.

If a Tree Falls in the Yard and You Can't Find the Picture, is there Sound?

Yes, screams.

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 30, 2021 at 7:25 PM

If you were here that afternoon, you remember it.

At about 6 p.m. nine years ago yesterday, a line of powerful thunderstorms swept across our area. It would get famous a few hours later, when it struck more fashionable parts of the country. Nine years ago today, the lights were out in Athens County.

Gravely considered, in Light of the Fireflies

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 23, 2021 at 11:56 PM

It may be about time to get rid of the old Gravely. The last time I wrote about this venerable piece of equipment it spawned a reaction from a Gravely fan in northern Ohio so strident that Athens NEWS editor Terry Smith wanted to call the authorities, lest (or perhaps in hope of a good story should it happen) the angry fellow come round and murder me.

Best to Cultivate Crops and Become Reliable Neighbors Before We Need Them

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 16, 2021 at 11:54 AM

Sometimes when the air is just right, its invisible ingredients comprising a particular admixture of humidity, pollen, fragrance, and who knows what, it is as if a person has been carried back in time.

To Heck with Crassness

Do Trite Curse Words Really Help "Art"?

By Timothy R. Butler | Jun 13, 2021 at 6:04 PM

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of every currently running TV show someone tells me to watch being littered with content that might make even the proverbial sailor blush. With so many forms of entertainment now freed from the reach of the FCC’s decency rules, it is now countercultural if dialogue or song lacks a peppering of the coarsest words. Is this really the best we can do?

The Clanking Gadget at Center of My Do-It-Yourself Physical Therapy

By Dennis E. Powell | Jun 03, 2021 at 3:04 PM

This didn’t turn out at all as I’d expected. Here’s the prelude: When I made pictures for a living, I got plenty of exercise. Walking five miles or more per day was routine. I’ve run backwards up hills (so as to photograph parades and protests coming up those hills) and carried lots of photographic gear appreciable distances, about which my muscles later registered an opinion.

The Scourge of Emotivism

Our Philosophical Doubts Have Led Us to Contempt

By Jason Kettinger | Jun 02, 2021 at 11:25 AM

Emotivism is a philosophy which posits that all claims of truth are motivated exclusively by the pursuit of power. This is also sometimes called the “boo-hurrah” philosophy, because the one who holds it can “deconstruct” any other person’s truth claim, by “explaining” what they really mean, and why they truly are holding any position.

What We Enjoyed Here Five Years Ago Draws a Different Reception Back East

By Dennis E. Powell | May 27, 2021 at 3:12 PM

You kinda gotta laugh.

If you pay any attention to the national news you have seen how Washington, D.C. has gone more berserk than normal. The cause of this particular derangement is this year’s emergence of the proud members of brood X of the 17-year cicada.

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